Washington State University Structural Pest Bulletins
- A Key to the Identification of Pacific Northwest Wood-Destroying Pests Based on Wood Damage
- Anobiid Beetles
- Carpenter Ants
- Identification and Habits of Key Ant Pests of Washington
- Moisture Ants
- Termites
WSU Study Materials for WSDA License Exams
- Structural Pest Inspectors
- Structural Pest Inspector Manual (EM013)
- Pest Management Professionals
- Washington Pesticide Laws and Safety (EM012), and
- Pest Control Operator (EM019)
Other Pest Management Resources
UC IPM Online
Comprehensive IPM resource from University of California for pests of homes, structures, people and pets.
Urban Pesticide Education Strategy Team (UPEST)
A website designed to help Washington State citizens adopt (IPM) for indoor and landscape pests.
Structural Pest Inspector Report Forms
HUD Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Report Form
Guidelines for the NPMA-33 form and an attachment to report wood decay fungus are also available.
New Technology
Closed Crawl Spaces
Information on improving existing crawl spaces or designing and installing a properly-closed new crawl space is provided by Advanced Energy’s Applied Building Science (ABS) Team.
Subterranean Termites Chewing Wood
Listen to the sound of subterranean termites chewing wood (audio captured with the InsectaScope).
Subterranean Termite Distribution Maps
View maps displaying known subterranean termite locations and soil types found in Washington state.
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